Design And Implementation of a Succession Planning System and Examination of Its Impact on Organizational Productivity


  • Armin Kakaeinezhad Postdoctoral degree in Business Administration Allameh Tabatabaei University,Tehran,Iran
  • Kambiz Mouji PhD in Project Management Gladzor University Armenia,Armenia
  • Khatere Ghorbani moghadam PhD in Operations Research Kharazmi University,Tehran,Iran
  • Mohammadreza Feylizadeh PhD in Industrial Engineering Shiraz Azad University,Shiraz,Iran
  • Mohammad Alimoradi Master of Executive Management and Marketing Iran Cable Manufacturing Company,Tehran,Iran



Succession Planning, Productivity, Organization


The aim of this article is to implement a succession planning system and assess its impact on organizational productivity within the framework of a manufacturing plant (Iran Cable Manufacturing Company). The research method is applied in nature. In this study, a succession planning system was designed and implemented within the organization, and its effects on the factors influencing organizational productivity—namely, 1- increase in production volume 2- reduction in production time 3- decrease in waste 4- reduction in start-up time 5- consumption of raw materials 6- rework 7- equipment malfunction—were analyzed and examined. Ultimately, the primary hypothesis of the research, that "succession planning is effective on organizational productivity," is confirmed. 



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How to Cite

Kakaeinezhad, A., Mouji, K., Ghorbani moghadam, K., Feylizadeh, M., & Alimoradi, M. (2025). Design And Implementation of a Succession Planning System and Examination of Its Impact on Organizational Productivity. International Journal of Modern Achievement in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 55–66.


