Assessment of the Efficiency of the Rapid Visual Assessment Method for Hospitals Based on Nonlinear Structural Analysis Results


  • Sahar Shafaghi Master of Science, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Al-Taha Non-Profit University,Iran
  • Bahman Shafaghi Master of Science, Architecture, Islamic Azad University Marivan Branch,Iran
  • Sholeh Shafaghi Master of Science Student, Architecture, Payame Noor University Hormozgan International Center Kish,Iran



Rapid Assessment, Vulnerability, Incremental Load Analysis, Collapse, Hospital


This project investigates the effectiveness of the proposed method for assessing the seismic vulnerability of the main building of the 160-bed Malard Hospital. Initially, this structure is analyzed using Etabs 19 software through incremental load analysis, and based on the obtained results, a quantitative vulnerability index is derived. By analyzing the capacity curves at points corresponding to various performance levels, some of which align with four conventional performance levels—continuous serviceability, continuous usability, life safety, and threshold for collapse—these points are established. Following their identification, statistical analyses are conducted to ascertain the mean and standard deviation, thus facilitating a comparison of the quantitative impact of vulnerability-inducing factors. By applying 21 damage scenarios to the reference structure and repeating the aforementioned process, both quantitative and qualitative vulnerability indices are computed, and the statistical correlation between these two indices is monitored. The calculations revealed that the method existing in the technical literature has a correlation coefficient of 0.63 with the nonlinear analysis results, and with the proposed modifications in this research, an improvement of 33 percent in this coefficient can be anticipated


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How to Cite

Shafaghi , S., Shafaghi , B., & Shafaghi , S. (2025). Assessment of the Efficiency of the Rapid Visual Assessment Method for Hospitals Based on Nonlinear Structural Analysis Results. International Journal of Modern Achievement in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2(1), 167–182.


