Investigating the Need for Urban Air Mobility in Tehran City
Transportation, Air taxi, Advanced air mobility, Urban air mobility, TrafficAbstract
The increase in urbanization has led to the creation of dense population in urban areas, along with economic development and the increase in vehicles, which has led to an increase in demand and consequently an increase in many challenges regarding mobility and infrastructure. Solving these challenges or reducing the effects of these challenges can have significant effects on people's daily lives. Various solutions have always been proposed to solve these challenges, some of which have been successful and some of which have not. In the city of Tehran, too, challenges have arisen due to the rapid growth of urbanization, population, and vehicles, and solutions have been proposed to solve these challenges or improve the conditions, but due to the current conditions in Tehran, these solutions have not been able to appear as successful as they should be. In this paper, by examining the conditions of Tehran in terms of noise pollution, energy and fuel consumption, air pollution, traffic conditions, public and road transportation, it is proved that Tehran needs a new mode of transportation. According to today's needs of Tehran, this new mode of transportation can be an urban air mobility (UAM) that can be used in areas such as passenger and goods transportation. The presence of this mode of transportation in the transportation system of Tehran, in addition to improving the level of transportation of this city, helps to improve and even solve the challenges of today's transportation in Tehran, such as the high noise pollution of this city.
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