The Role of Managers in Employee Job Satisfaction Considering Multiple Mediating Effects


  • Mahdi Aliyari Management Department, Business Management major, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran



Job satisfaction, manager, work management relationships, well-being, and job promotion.


In today's world, the critical and highly effective role of industry in economic development is undeniable. Industrial managers also play a crucial role, making it important to examine their management styles and status concerning employee job satisfaction and ultimately the economy of society. Job satisfaction is a significant factor in career success and contributes to increased efficiency and personal fulfillment. This study aims to investigate the role of managers in job satisfaction due to multiple mediating effects. The necessary data for the research were collected through a survey. The study population consisted of employees of Isfahan's Mobarakeh Steel Company, from which 300 individuals were selected for the study using Cochran's formula and random sampling. The research hypotheses were examined using Amose21 and SPSS software. The findings indicate that the manager's role has a positive and significant impact on colleague relationships, as well as on aspects of well-being and job promotion. Additionally, the results showed a direct and moderate effect on work conditions, duties, and processes. This study contributes to understanding the role of managers in job satisfaction by clarifying interactions between five dimensions of job satisfaction and highlighting the connection between management styles that lead to organizational growth and job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Aliyari, M. (2024). The Role of Managers in Employee Job Satisfaction Considering Multiple Mediating Effects. International Journal of Modern Achievement in Science, Engineering and Technology, 1(4), 27–34.


