E-Learning's Application in Information Science in Academic Libraries
An overview of LIS e-learning projects is presented in this publication. It defines e-learning, outlines its features, and discusses its resources. The study also highlights the benefits of both e-learning and traditional schooling, comparing the two approaches. When learning is done via e-learning instead of traditional methods, a lot of time is saved. Consider classroom instruction as an example. One week, a lecture might last for an hour, and attendees would have to wait another week for the next one. The process of gaining knowledge, skills, and information using digital means—typically transmitted over the internet or electronic devices—is referred to as e-learning, short for electronic learning. Aggregating e-content is possible in e-learning environments. Services provided by the library must be available from within this setting and allow for things like the building of "virtual shelves." All e-learning environments must have context-sensitive full-text access, bibliographic management tools, and library resource discovery. The possible benefits of online learning include greater educational access, better learning opportunities, enhanced student performance and abilities, and a wider range of educational possibilities.
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